Thursday, July 22, 2004
Is this really what I sound like?
Estimated Days Until Blogger Burnout: 4
It's coming, people.
But just when I think this is no longer fun, I only have to go to other people's blogs to find inspiration.
I was hoping I would outgrow the blog-commenting blogginess of this blog and make it more about something of merit, but who am I trying to kid? I mean, seriously. This is what makes blogging fun, other people's nonsense.
But then today I had something of a shock. I ran across this blog and I was horrified. It's angry, sarcastic, judgmental, irritated and irritating all at once.
Sharp intake of breath, hand to the mouth. Oh my God. It's ME.
It's like accidentally seeing your reflection as you walk past a store-front window and being surprised and horrrified by what you see. Is that what my ass looks like?
Just to torture the metaphor, I need to start working out. In blog terms, I suppose that means I need to get my hands around a general purpose and strangle it... or better yet, find someone else's blog that has a better purpose than any of the crap I can think up and then steal it.
I've enjoyed some of the philosophical commentary blogs I've seen, but again, I've been out of the academic sphere for so long I could barely summon up the intellectual momentum to have a critical go at "Goodnight Gorilla", let alone Being and Nothingness.
[For those without children, "Goodnight Gorilla" is a children's book with almost no words.]
OK, where was I? Damn, they were good paragraphs too. Stupid keyboard shortcuts. Hit one wrong one time...
Anyway, what I've concluded is that the blog cited several paragraphs above and my own early posts (and this, I suppose, will count as an "early post"... and there, I've given myself a headache), the whole too-cool-for-school pose is borne mostly out of embarrassment. It's a wedge to get into something with-it, together people like me should never get in to. Honestly, I listen to alt-rock. Blogging is so Top 40.
Do people still use those terms, "alt-rock" and "Top 40"? I'm two months out of my twenties. Pop culture is already getting hazy.
So all in all, I can come to only one, horrifying conclusion: Yes, this is what my ass looks like.
This post on the Narcissus Scale: 8.875 (it just sounds right)
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This comes from the "New To Me" desk, so it's probably old Internet news, but people should check out Anyone who can get Nigerian bank-transfer spam scammers to send them money are my heroes.