Monday, July 12, 2004
My God, you people
Never thought I'd be posting multiple posts in a day (I chalk it up to the zeal of novelty) but I have to say something.

In the course of my research into blogs and the blogger culture, I have thus far identified a few categories into which blogs fall:

1. Teenage girl angst. "I have a crush on XXX but he doesn't know... I am a terrible person... what am I supposed to be?... Mom won't let me be myself... Still a terrible person... All my friends secretly hate me... etc."

2. Amateur political commentary. Daft, most of it. Either "George Bush Is Satan" or "Liberals Hate America." Just because one of them is actually true (probably will become clear the more I write) doesn't mean we all want to hear you reiterate the talking points people more informed than you made on your favorite 24-hour news channel.

3. Wise-guy column-type stuff from frustrated writer types. These ones are really really good.

4. Porn.

Why is it everywhere on the Internet, no matter what the iteration, porn always crops up? Are the porn people afraid we will forget? It's like a tidal wave of sewage none of us can escape.

Overall, there just seems to be alot of anxiousness and discomfort out there that people for some reason feel compelled to write about. Like a global, simultaneous episode of Jerry Springer. It's fascinating in some ways and I'm sure there's some broader sociological point to me made about the whole thing, but frankly, that's out of my depth. I'm not even sure I have a depth, sociologically speaking.


~and for future reference, I'll save the number indeces for the first post of the day if this multiple posting thing becomes a habit (which I seriously doubt). Mostly I just can't be bothered to stick to my own format.

There's nothing wrong with amateur political commentary. You've gotta start somewhere if you plan to take over the world.

Also, you missed several categories of blogging which include:
Blogging about blogging (meta-blogging, for the pretentious English majors)- This consists of not just you, but many other people who feel--rightly--ashamed that they are actually writing publicly really inane things about their lives and hoping people will read and be amused. As a result of their shame coupled with their continued blogging, they find they can only blog in condemnation of their own blogging.
Inside joke blogging- This consists of people who only blog about things that no one but their immediate friends will be able to identify with, ever. It goes like this: "Today, me and you-know-who went to that place on Sycamore St and got our usual. We talked about that one time when we were in third grade and Kelly did that thing to us and then we totally got back at her!"

Also, angsty girl blogging can be subdivided into many, many categories. Trust me, I've done them all.
See, what I should have done instead of attempting my OWN research was to ask someone who knows more about this than I. I honestly had never read a blog before I decided the world needed this one. So it's only a "meta-blog" temporarily and completely by accident. After the novelty wears off, it'll be picture of my kids with clever captions like "Awww" and kittens and root beer.
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