Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Consumer Consciousness
I would like to take this opportunity to congratualte the people at my local Best Buy store. They are about to be graced with nearly $60 of my (wife's) hard earned money.
In a well-coordinated effort to separate me from a portion of my net worth, several global corporations have conspired to not only release the original Star Wars on DVD today, but cleverly and insidiously have coupled that with the release of a new Elvis Costello album on the exact same day.
Dirty pool, Best Buy, you magnificent bastards.
As excited as I am about these new things I'm planning on buying, though, it has occurred to me that these two heavy cultural touchstones both had their heyday 25-30 years ago. Usually trips to Best Buy help to curb some anxiety about aging as I usually come away with something that will keep me connected to popular culture and put off full-blown curmudgeon-hood for a little while longer. I suppose slipping a Franz Ferdinand CD in would be both obvious and pathetic.
But in writing this, I realize I'm exposing myself as not only a giant dork (though along the continuum of Star Wars dorkhood, I barely register) but also as a person rounding that bend, leaving behind Tapped In and heading toward Man, This Recliner Is Really Comfortable.
The only thing left is to buy a big scary dog, never go outside, let my house fall into disrepair and keep the balls kids accidentally hit/kick/throw into my back yard. Oh God, originally that was supposed to be a joke, but I just realized I fit three out of those four. If my dog were a little more butch, I'd be out shopping for plaid pants and a Rascal right now.
This post on the Narcissus Scale: 7.9
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MPH: As always, I bow to you and your dorkitude. Mr. Show I understand, but Raymond? Really? You need to own that?
Killy: Best Buy calls to me in my sleep. We drive by it and I don't even have to say anything, my wife just goes "No" and I keep driving.
Killy: Best Buy calls to me in my sleep. We drive by it and I don't even have to say anything, my wife just goes "No" and I keep driving.
what's Best Buy? its probably just as well we don't have them here - i spend far too much on dvds as it is
Best Buy is a huge electronics and media store (kinda like Circuit City, but better)... and they've usually got really good deals on CDs and DVDs, so it's my downfall.
Killy's description, while technically correct, fails to fully describe the overwhelming splendor of the Best Buy experience. Sure, it's an American super-store that undercuts and overwhelms smaller, more personal shops, but the rows and rows of CDs, DVDs and videos, digital cameras, cell--er, mobile--phones, refrigerators, computers, software, video games, televisions, car stereos... oh lordy lordy me... I need a lie down.
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