Wednesday, September 29, 2004
[Crude Pun On The Word 'Balls']!
I somehow managed to delete the text of a very long and very interesting post about this same subject. You have to live now with the consequences of my idiocy and this inferior post. Enjoy.

Look, I know blogs are largely a female thing. Like The Sims, they're part of a larger movement where women approach the internet and technology on their own terms in niches that suit them and leave the tweakers and g4M3rZ to revel in their mutually mastubatory sausage-fest digital playgrounds.

In fact, as I consider the list of blogs I have linked to my own there is only MPH's Heightened Thoughts written by a fellow XY. Keep on keepin' on, my brother.

So when I think to bring up the subject of sports, I do so advisedly.

See, I've been a fan of one particular baseball team for ages and ages. Yesterday just about the worst thing that can happen to a sports fan happened to me: they moved into a tie for first place with 5 games to play, making them about a 50-50 shot to win the division and make the playoffs.

I've still barely recovered from the last time they won something. In 2002 I nearly burst a blood vessel in my brain from the swings of anxiety-inspired depression and (ultimately) bliss. The cruel secret is that your team only gets to be champeens for about 4 months. Then the next season starts, the ulcers re-open, restart the cycle.

My first sports-related memory was 1986 when my habitually hapless team was within one strike of making it to their first ever World Series, only to have that dream bludgeoned to death with an opponent's bat. I was 12. I wept.

Then came the 16 year period in between 1986 and 2002 where my team not only failed but rarely even flirted with the glimmer of a hint of success. Sure at the time it seemed interminible, deeply disappointing, frustrating but in retrospect it turned out to be a refreshing break.

And what did I do in the intervening years? I bitched alot. It's what we do.

It's an open secret that disappointment and frustration are actually what sports fans are after. It can't be any other way. In any given sport there is a grand total of one Grand World Champion each year. That means every fan of every other team is experiencing some level of grief over their players' fates, of varying degrees depending on the order of magnitude at which their team sucked that year. And still we keep coming back. We over-identify, over-invest in the actions of people we never met--grossly overpaid and absurdly narrowly gifted people--in order to generate fake stress to shield us from the horrors of actual stress. It's what we do instead of thinking about al Qaeda or the price of gasoline (it was $2.25 at a place I passed yesterday for regular unleaded... that didn't even come with a handjob or anything, that was just for the gas). It seems silly to latch onto something so obviously inconsequential, but it's just one more way people anesthetize themselves from the debilitating effects of spirit-breaking reality. For a few hours a week, we revel in it.

Except for the fantasy sports gnomes, they revel in it 24/7 and require professional help.

So I submit that Cubs and Red Sox fans are lying when they say they want to win. They love their misery. It's a nice safe place, where community is built by commisseration. Plus if either of those teams ever won anything, Chicago and/or Boston would be erased from the face of the earth by the subesquent explosion.

Now think about being a Yankees fan. You have to sit through all that drama every single goddamn year. It's almost enough to make me feel sorry for them.


This post on the Narcissus Scale; 7.2


Blogs are largely a female thing, huh? I'd agree on that, but only because we are the constantly talking, emotionally emoting of the sexes and this is just another outlet for us to pour out inane blather about ourselves (especially when our significant other is not listening for the 400th time.) Why should he? We never stop talking.

Chris Rock said, "Women, it's not that you talk too much. It's just that you talk too much right when we walk in the fucking door."
You're wrong. The vast majority of political blogging is done by males. See: I don't know if what he says is true, but he's an academic rockstar at U of C, so it must be at least compelling.
SJ & Rita: No no no no, I'm right. I make these statements on the unassailable authority of Something I Think I Might Have Heard/Read Somewhere Once.

What I was trying to say was in reaction to all these dire sorts of articles I'd read about how casual computer use for the purpose of entertainment, especially gaming and the like, has been almost exclusively supported by males up until The Sims came out, which is unique in that a majority of the players are female. Blogs (anecdotally) I would say--and no fair cheating Rita talking about "political blogs", which I wasn't--are more equal-use fora from a gender standpoint. A woman is no less likely to blog than a man, for instance.

Man, all that crap I wrote you guys stopped at the first paragraph. I guess I was right to worry about writing a baseball post.

MPH: There's no reason why someone from Indy would or should care about baseball. But you do have football and basketball, including fellow Riverside, California native Reggie Miller and the Pacers, so you get some bonus points for that.
Of course we stopped at the first paragraph. We don't give a crap about baseball. At all. Ever.
Ah, the Sims. I love that game. I also love Age of Empires and kicking ass all over the place. I don't care about baseball, love football, which you put the kibosh on talking about. ;-) Still laughing over the Chris Rock quote from above.

No no, football is fine. Just not certain teams, two in fact, who used to occupy space within 50 miles of my home but who no longer do and are therefore verboten. One you mentioned before. The other is in St. Louis and hurts too much to talk about. Excuse me while I sob.
I mildly care about baseball... The other is in St. Louis and hurts too much to talk about. Excuse me while I sob..goodluck
thanks alot
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