Wednesday, September 08, 2004
The Dark Cloud Of Incumbency Keeps On A-Rainin'
First a note: New reciprocal link over there to your right under I Wish I Knew Where To Begin by my newest BFF Rory. Not for the faint-hearted that one. Normally Pops don't do sincerity, but it's all good honest stuff over there.
And now back to our regularly scheduled ridiculousness.
I know alot of fellow Democrats who got all flustered after the Republican convention. There was alot of self-hate being flung around about how our convention sucked and it was all about Vietnam and hey, maybe John Kerry really is a pussy.
But no, you heard it here first, Pops was never worried. It has been one humdinger of a week for President Bush who still has his double-digit lead in the polls, but he's going to need it to cover himself from the swirling torrent of shit that has descended upon him in the last 48 hours or so.
First off, though, I would like to offer the administration some praise: they finally came out and said something directly instead of all this namby-pamby double speak and sideways implication.
Here's the quote spoken by VP Cheney:
"It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States."
Wow! That is absolutely spectacular. Vote for John Kerry and you will die. At first when I started hearing all this potentially bad news for the president this week I was worried that his formidable political team would somehow spin it into a positive for Bush, but it looks like things are starting to break down on that end. Next thing you know they'll start admitting the Iraq war was a mistake. No no, nevermind, that's just crazy talk.
But back to that quote, the implication seems to be that Al Qaeda and their ilk are all sitting around in befouled caves cowering and cursing the name of the unassailable Bush just waiting, praying for a change in the US political administration so they can go back to acting without fear of reprisal.
But that's Cheney for you. This is the same guy who spoke out for "freedom" for gays (sort of) but then kinda sorta forgot to include his gay daughter and her partner in the post-convention-speech family group hug behind the podium last Wednesday night. Ethics are something that happen to other people in Dick's case. And family values are good... unless your family is a political liability.
And related to that, in a stinging rebuke that is sure to cost the Bush campaign anywhere from one to four votes in November, the massively peopled and hugely powerful gay GOP group Log Cabin Republicans has refused to endorse GWB for president. That sound you hear are people all over the South simultaneously high-fiving each other.
But this has just been the tip of the iceberg.
We have reached the 1,000th death in Iraq, a huge majority of which came after "Mission Accomplished".
The Congressional Budget Office predicts a new record deficit. The Bush Camp: "Hey, it was projected to be alot worse. Yay us!"
New records about Bush's questionable National Guard attendance record are being released while tonight on CBS 60 Minutes II will feature an interview with the guy who says he pulled strings specifically to get Bush (and other prominent Texas sons) into the National Guard and out of Vietnam service. I'm not particularly interested in this, but when the Swift Boat nonsense came out, everyone said "Well, Kerry made his convention all about Vietnam so it's relevant." Fair enough. But the Republicans have conversely made service in the Vietnam era an issue by picking it up and running with it, so here we are. I wish we weren't, but we are.
And now, the kicker. Within the last hour or so, it's been reported that Bush is trying to weasel out of having three debates . He wants two stand-up, scripted "exchanges", one on domestic policy and one on foreign policy. The middle debate was to be an open "town meeting" style for undecided voters (read: No Loyalty Oath Required) in Missouri, which the Bush people are balking at. After reading all the recent news, I can't say that I blame them. We all know how poorly Bush does without a script in front of him and frankly, when you're the incumbent with a double-digit national lead, you want to expose yourself as little as possible.
I have just one thing to say about this, though. It's a cheap shot, but I'm sure you all could see it coming:
Now who's a pussy, George?
And conversely, if the Kerry people can't make any headway with all this to work from, then they don't deserve to get their guy elected.
This post on the Narcissus Scale: 6.5
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Hey, I'm on your sidebar!! I'm so entirely flattered.
As far as the politics go, I'm glad that someone is keeping up. You'll continue to be my voice from the democratic standpoint. Go you!
I'm preparing to post something mind-bogglingly me regarding gay marriage. Stay tuned!
As far as the politics go, I'm glad that someone is keeping up. You'll continue to be my voice from the democratic standpoint. Go you!
I'm preparing to post something mind-bogglingly me regarding gay marriage. Stay tuned!
Kerry and Co. can't even seem to get drunk at an Irish wake! Why can't they seem to stand up properly to the Bush administration? And why can't they make any hay out of all of the negative news connected to the Bush administration? I'm voting for Kerry, but man, sometimes it's like rooting for the Cubs. You know, in the end, they're gonna fall flat on their faces.
Sunny: Yep, you cleared the very-high bar for sidebar inclusion here at the bucket--you linked mine on yours first. Well done.
Brian: Sadly, I'm still more anti-Bush than I am pro-Kerry, which is bad news for Kerry in general if more people feel that way as well. I think that probably accounts for GWB's post-convention bounce.
Brian: Sadly, I'm still more anti-Bush than I am pro-Kerry, which is bad news for Kerry in general if more people feel that way as well. I think that probably accounts for GWB's post-convention bounce.
Yeah, it sucks that the Kerry people are making us do all the work ourselves. If they leave it to those of us who are already settled while Bush goes out and evangelizes, he's a dead man. Kerry's got to give us something back.
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