Thursday, September 16, 2004
Oh Man, This Will Kill You!
Hey, do you guys want to hear a funny story? It's freakin' hilarious really.

OK, my older sister is sitting watching her kids' karate class on Tuesday night, right? So she's there with my mom and a few other people.

Here's the really really funny part: all of a sudden she is struck with blurred vision, numbness on the left side of her body and an excruciating headache. So they rush her to the hospital where she has to stay for like 6 hours, they do a CT scan and several other things and determine that, at the age of 31, she had a mini-stroke.

Isn't that hysterical?

No? Well, I didn't find it very funny either.

No lasting effects that we can tell so far, but they want to do an MRI (better than a CT) to be sure she doesn't have an aneurysm floating around in there trying to kill her.

She's fine now, but oh boy, I can't wait to find out what happens next.

Plus my dad called from Michigan to tell me his father's wife died of leukemia last night. I guess technically she was my (step-)grandmother so I feel kinda bad that I hardly knew the woman.

Oh and plus, my dad's mother-in-law (he's on his third wife... my mom was his first) who just had her cervix removed because of cancer is about to start chemotherapy to treat her brand new case of breast cancer.

It's been quite a week. My kid busting up his mouth a little bit doesn't seem so bad anymore.

Michelle Malkin Kisses My Ass

Doe-eyed sorority princess/columnist Michelle Malkin loves her some blogs.

When she's not bridging the gap between old fashioned honest-to-goodness fascism and the political mainstream in the books she writes, she's taking shots at the Great White Whale of right-wing true believers everywhere, the evil, evil Liberal Media.

Now she's decided in her latest column that blogs and bloggers are the answer since they apparently had something to do with putting stink on the whole Dan Rather CBS thing about GWB in the Texas National Guard (which no one can ever make me care about either way, ever).

I wonder if, for instance, she knew that in some blogs that shall remain nameless just today said Michelle Malkin was a "clueless, humorless, witless intellectual midget" whose prose style and ridiculous conclusions are the "intellectual equivalent of monkeys throwing poo" if she would still feel the same way.

Here's the best part of her column though, just to give you a taste of the Malkin:

"What is amazing is that Rather would shamelessly traffic in such paranoid nonsense against conservative-leaning bloggers, without a shred of substantiation, in the middle of his own disastrous journalistic hurricane -- and on the heels of CNN's recent disclosure that two of its most prominent talk show co-hosts, Paul Begala and James Carville, have been hired as official consultants to the Kerry presidential campaign but will remain in their current positions at the network."

Oh snap! She totally burned Rather and the crazy Liberal Media there. Two responsible journalists like Begala and Carville cashing in on their years of demure, sober journalistic training and experience by out-of-nowhere turning pinko and declaring sides. It's so typical and no one ever calls the lefties on it because they so... they're...

What? What's that? Begala and Carville are what? No no, they're on CNN, so therefore we can jump to the conclusion that they are journalists. It's just common sense. Look, I don't care if the show they're on does also employ two disgusting right wingers (Tucker Carlson and the horrifying Bob Novak), it's CNN. The Voice of the Left. OK, fine, I will give you that they both are longtime Democratic political operatives and it was for that reason alone they were hired, but still, if you say it on TV on a news channel, you're a journalist. Just like that nice Sean Hannity.

What bugs me is that Michelle is all pro-bloggers (so long as they're sufficiently right-wing), which is a chaotic, democratic and potentially even anarchic subset with no discernible cohesion, all decidedly non-conservative traits. So make up your mind, Michelle Malkin: are you a fascist or an anarchist?

Sorry all, but I'm in full-blown snark today. Can't be helped.

This post on the Narcissus Scale: 9.5


Strokes are scary business, especially how they just seemily come from nowhere. My family went through some nasty business when my grandma died of a stroke 2 years ago. Your sister is so young so, I'm sure she'll be fine.
Amy: You go on, let it out. We'll team up, you and me, and take 'em down one by one. First Malkin, then Ann Coulter, then we'll get a team together and rush Rush Limbaugh.

Di: I look at it two ways. 1) She's young, so she has a better chance of recovery. 2) She's young and she's ALREADY having problems usually reserved for really really old people, which is not the best sign ever. I alternate each viewpoint every hour on the hour, so it depends on when you ask me.
I'm in on the rush against Rush. I think we'll need more people to take him down.
I'll bring the net, you bring the harpoon gun.
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