Monday, November 08, 2004
Blinded By The Light
For those of you who are not seriously visually impaired, I have changed the look of my blog. It's still a lame pre-fab Blogger template, but the look is cleaner and not so cramped.

It also fulfills two needs:

1) I can tell when I'm reading my blog as opposed to HappyFunBall's, which adds Nostalgia as yet another reason to patronize her site.

2) By going white, I am now the anti-MPH, whose blog is all black.

Whiteness also calls to mind my complete lack of soul and inability to dance, but these things are true no matter what my blog looks like


Woo yeah, it's gonna take a little while to get used to this stark correctional-facility look. But since you do write a lot, it'll be nice not to have to scroll down so much ;)
My retinas are all burned and shit, I was expecting the dark and got the light...aaaaaa (it's nice though, once the little sparkly things stopped popping in front of my eyes)
There is a certain aesthetic required for a pleasurable blog experience. Different blog designs indicate different things about the blogger. This particular template says, "I am using this blog to practice my basic English composition skills. They are very, very bad. My case was so desperate that I neglected to even browse Blogger's template options before I got to work." See for an illustration. (Yes, her name is Rita. Yes, she went to my high school. No further relation.)

In conclusion, ew.

Steph: Thank you very much for getting it exactly, unlike the rest of these judgmental ingrates. You're my favorite commenter.

SJ: Hey look, I was just trying to... oh. Thanks. Little defensiveness on my part still.

Rita: As you are the longest tenured Bucketeer as well as my appointed Tour Guide to all things Inter... er internet, I must of course carefully weigh all your suggestions with respect and consideration before I categorically reject them. (I will look at that URL though)

MPH: This is AOL Tech Support. How may we be of service? We are obligated to inform you that it will be $19.95 for the consultation fee. How would you like to pay?

Urban Fox: Well, I have been speaking with a false English accent for years, so you may be on to something.
Rita: Holy Christ, the horror. My will to live is shaken. The only problem is that all the other templates have, like, flowers and shit. Or random geometrical shapes that suggest to me Dentist Waiting Room.

Yes, it's plain. Yes, it looks like New Document for MS Word, but it's wider and not so... blue.

Me likey. Me keepy. Me creeped out by the association, yes, but me keepy.
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