Thursday, November 04, 2004
Worst Day Ever
1. You suffer an excruciating election defeat to the Worst President Ever.

2. Your wife gets breast cancer.

Helluva Wednesday, John Edwards. There should be some people by to kick you in the nuts and set your house on fire shortly.


Oh man, that's pretty harsh. This is probably his worst week ever, the poor guy.
In retrospect, I guess if you can survive the death of your teenage son, everything else--election losses, breast cancer--seems like chocolate cake. It's tougher to be John Edwards than it looks.
At least he has his beautiful, beautiful hair. Hey, here's that link that didn't work on MPH's comments yesterday. Instead of proving my linking abilities sucky once more, I'm just posting the actual URL *sheepish smile*:
Even though I was kidding with you over on MPH's blog, it was a low blow to compare your linking skills to MPH's. It was unconscionable and I apologize.
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