Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Cult Of Personality
Fantastic news, everybody: I am now a huuuuuuge star.
Being entirely consumed with this blog as an extension of myself--the source of all my external personal validation in the absence of any ability to spontaneously generate self-esteem due to the lingering traumatic effects of a tragic childhood exposure to Physical Education class--I keep a close eye on my friendly Sitemeter. My mood rises and falls with every swing in readership. On high volume days, everything is fine. On low volume days, the kids get yelled at, the dog gets kicked, food has no flavor and I can't feel the warmth of the sun.
But recently... O Sweet Recently. Every week is a new record visit-count. Every day is a cornucopia of unexpected surprises (completely unlike expected surprise which, let's face it, suck) of daily-visit heights. My Sitemeter graph looks like the EKG of a speed freak, all spiky but elevated, elevated, rising ever higher.
I'm in love with the world and the world is in love with me.
Walking down the street now I will spontaneously burst into song; something peppy and smart usually, like "Stayin' Alive" or "Let's Hear It For The Boy" or "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?" When people stop to look, I'll hold up a hand and wait for the inevitable high five. Sometimes they'll try to shout something to me or gesture at me while I'm skipping and singing, but I just wave back, only interrupting my song long enough to say "Keep reading! Keep reading!" Satisfied and no doubt honored, they walk away. Just knowing I could share some of my brightness and give them the satisfaction of a little celebrity encounter makes me feel great, almost as good as the old days when I used to start every morning with a little Red Bull and black tar heroin.
No more junk for my veins anymore though, no. These days I'm high on life, injecting myself daily with the rush of blog-born superstardom. Thank you, world.
OK. OK, OK. Alright. Fine, you got me. I'll confess, just... stop with the eyes will you? OK? I said I'll come clean.
You want me to say it? I'll say it: I've been to BlogExplosion.
Look, I just tried it that one time. Those other readers meant nothing to me, I swear it. It was all about accumulating blog-hits, I swear that was it. They were using me as much as I was using them. It was purely physical. At least it started out that way, but then I let it go on farther then it ever should and I guess that part of it is my fault. It doesn't mean I don't love you any less, Bucketeers. Those others, they were just... just a need I had at the time. It was something I was going through, but it's over now. It's over. I swear it's over. It will never happen again.
BlogExplosion. What a degrading source of blogger whoredom. I may never live down the shame. For those unfamiliar, visiting other BlogExplosion registered sites will generate reciprocal traffic. They auto-surf you to member sites. A little timer ticks down. For every thirty second visit to one site, you get 0.5 credits. One full credit (two sites visited... still following?) will earn you one full random visit from another BE member trying to run up his/her credits.
Of course in order to kill the time required to get your 30 seconds in, you are not required to look at the blog, just to have the window open. Go ahead, multi-task. Play freecell. Read a magazine. Porn-surf. Read other blogs that you actually know and like in a different browser window. Anything. Just so long as the timer hits 0 and you can collect your half-a-credit and move on.
So my Sitemeter numbers have been... er... slightly... uh... inflated with empty BlogExplosion hits.
But that part of my life is over now. The shame backlash it caused was not anywhere near worth the euphoria of the... gosh, nearly dozens of visits I was getting daily. I was able to muddle through the depths of self-loathing with a little help from Wild Turkey Kentucky Bourbon and Red Bull (that Red Bull... it really goes with anything). At least I think I was able to; I don't remember much since the delirium tremens wore off.
Of course I should allow that it is just possible that all my site visits are being generated by the same handful of people (you know who you are) motivated purely by a desire to see their own comments and the subsequent responses, mixed in with just a tiny splash of collective OCD that keeps them coming back against repeatedly over the course of the same day despite their better judgment.
Self-interest and mental dysfunction...
You know what? I'll take it.
You love me!
This post on the Narcissus Scale: 9.9
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OMG, Pops! You're pregnant?!? What fabulous news! But, since you're in a family way now, it's probably a good idea to get off the heroin and all.
I'll be back in about 15 minutes. Talk to you more then, everyone?
I'll be back in about 15 minutes. Talk to you more then, everyone?
I feel so used and....dirty....
If we all "divorced" the Bucket simultaneously, what would happen to your precious sitemeter then? Hmmm...
I propose a mass exodus. Much like Moses and the Jews, but with less parting of the seas or actual physical movement. Instead, I'll just click my way over there...
If we all "divorced" the Bucket simultaneously, what would happen to your precious sitemeter then? Hmmm...
I propose a mass exodus. Much like Moses and the Jews, but with less parting of the seas or actual physical movement. Instead, I'll just click my way over there...
Rambuncle: I think you left the oven on, too. Go check.
HFB: Oh my God HFB, I DO NOT TAKE HEROIN! Didn't you read my post? How could you come to such a ridiculous conclusion? Really, I have no idea where you get your crazy, crazy ideas.
Jess: No, you're thinking of the massive, popular Don't Spend Any Money Day (or whatever it's called) for tomorrow to coincide with the inauguration. Just like our grand president, I am above such rabble-rousing. I plan to throw a giant party at my house for the Blogger equivalent of $40 million (which works out to... like $1.70) and wait for you all to come streaming back.
You will come streaming back, won't you? Please?
HFB: Oh my God HFB, I DO NOT TAKE HEROIN! Didn't you read my post? How could you come to such a ridiculous conclusion? Really, I have no idea where you get your crazy, crazy ideas.
Jess: No, you're thinking of the massive, popular Don't Spend Any Money Day (or whatever it's called) for tomorrow to coincide with the inauguration. Just like our grand president, I am above such rabble-rousing. I plan to throw a giant party at my house for the Blogger equivalent of $40 million (which works out to... like $1.70) and wait for you all to come streaming back.
You will come streaming back, won't you? Please?
So, when you say you were getting dozens of hits does that mean you were visting double that in blogs you didn't even read? OMGoodness. That's a lot of free time ya got there. Wow. I am amazed.
Pops how COULD you? Don't you know those people don't care about you the way we do? Was it worth it, Pops? Do you feel like a BIIIG MAAAN now? I hope you have learned there's no substitute for perseverance and hard work. Next time you want to see bigger numbers on your Sitemeter, go to your blog and hit "Refresh" as fast as you can for about 45 minutes.
Pops ... Pops ... you're going about your whoredom all wrong. You should do what I do.
I'm telling all my loyal and faithful readers -- the ones who CARE about me -- that they will get a crisp $20 in the mail if they can send me a screen shot of my blog when it shows the 10,000th hit, as long as I get it before the month of February is over.
That way I'm not whoring myself to people who don't care. I'm whoring myself to my regular Johns.
(This is my second comment in a few days. Mind if I get off your shit list now?)
I'm telling all my loyal and faithful readers -- the ones who CARE about me -- that they will get a crisp $20 in the mail if they can send me a screen shot of my blog when it shows the 10,000th hit, as long as I get it before the month of February is over.
That way I'm not whoring myself to people who don't care. I'm whoring myself to my regular Johns.
(This is my second comment in a few days. Mind if I get off your shit list now?)
Hmm, it seems as if your method of marketing your blog on Blog EXPLOSION is like somebody humping your leg but they won't let you hump their leg. Unfair. But, hey, if you want to be a hedonistic blog humper, it's all good. As long as your meter goes up.
One of my favorite bands is the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. If only I could play an instrument and/or sing, I'd form a tribute band and call it the Jon Spencer Blog Explosion. That would be so cool. Like totally.
I seem to have stirred up a hornet's nest.
K: See, "visiting" just doesn't seem like the right word. When it's running in the background while I'm trying to figure out how to grow hydroponic pot, that's not the same as "visiting". It's just "clicking". And you can do 20 in 10 minutes.
Larry: Words have not yet been invented in the English language to express my regret or my contempt for myself. I also feel bad about the BlogExplosion thing.
MPH: What can I say, I'm more a skirt-lifter than an out-and-out whore.
Butcher: The lists on the right only change when I have a crazy surge of energy that allows me to go in and tinker with the HTML. Don't take it personally. How do you think K feels? She leaves comments every single day!
What a bastard I am.
Melissa: I'm not sure exactly what you said, but it sounded filthy. And I appreciate that.
Steph: What, sing? Play instrument? In order to be famous? Steph, those things went out with the invention of the synthesizer. Discernible talent is SO 1971.
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K: See, "visiting" just doesn't seem like the right word. When it's running in the background while I'm trying to figure out how to grow hydroponic pot, that's not the same as "visiting". It's just "clicking". And you can do 20 in 10 minutes.
Larry: Words have not yet been invented in the English language to express my regret or my contempt for myself. I also feel bad about the BlogExplosion thing.
MPH: What can I say, I'm more a skirt-lifter than an out-and-out whore.
Butcher: The lists on the right only change when I have a crazy surge of energy that allows me to go in and tinker with the HTML. Don't take it personally. How do you think K feels? She leaves comments every single day!
What a bastard I am.
Melissa: I'm not sure exactly what you said, but it sounded filthy. And I appreciate that.
Steph: What, sing? Play instrument? In order to be famous? Steph, those things went out with the invention of the synthesizer. Discernible talent is SO 1971.
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