Thursday, February 10, 2005
Where I Feel A Little Visceral
Many thanks to all who responded yesterday to my self-imposed suffering in the name of religion. It just goes to show you that everything in the Bible is probably literally true. Just look how my heroic act of not eating drew people out in massive numbers, invoking deep, spiritual reactions thinly disguised as making fun of me.

It's like the Good Book says (no no, not Tickle His Pickle I mean the other Good Book) in the book of Geephus 34:26-41 "Lo and they shall flock unto the Word when the Kicker Of Ass doth deny himself and yea verily do also blog post about it."

Praise be unto Geephus and his prophetic words.

Today's post was going to be all about how good food tastes, but then I made the mistake of reading the newspaper this morning. I found something in there quite troubling (and not particularly funny, but I'll give it a not-completely-inappropriate shot) and feel like I must share.

I've made the decision--about 45 times now--not to be so inside-jokey on this blog as much, referencing other readers in a small circle so that the content might be more accessible to people who wander in here looking for something interesting to read and instead are sucked in by the text version of my out-of-control animal magnetism.

I am about to break that personal pledge once more.

There has been a subtle on-going dispute between MPH and myself over whose home region is more of a wasteland conducive to the home production of methamphetamines. It has been my position that Riverside County, CA has natural advantages in the ready access to materials (from the heavily populated western 1/3 of the county) paired with vast expanses of open area peopled entirely by tortoises and dirt-bikers.

After this morning however, I am entirely ready to cede meth-lab-trash mastery to MPH's home state of Indiana. Normally I use this space as a forum to advocate for the greatness that is Riverside, the home of... nothing really in particular (apart from Yours Truly, naturally), punchline of jokes, the place in SoCal where tourists come only when they get horribly, horribly lost trying to find Disneyland.

But thus far, I can't find anything meth-related in Riverside to compare with this horrible story about greasy meth tweakers deciding to branch out into the exciting growth field of child murder. In most cases I'm all for diversification of one's resumé, but this is a case when I think the person(s) involved should have stuck to what they know. Now we can all only hope that the perpetrators fill out their CVs with a long stint buried in complete darkness under several tons of concrete and steel, then being slowly eaten alive by rats.

I admit with begrudging gratitude and jubilation that we don't have anything currently to compare to that in Riverside County (at least not recently). The best we could do was the case of the guy who killed his mom and then cut her head and hands off because he saw Tony Soprano do it. Sure it's sensational and grotesque, but it just doesn't have that depraved white-trash meth-lab dirt quality to it.

Flashy as our Sopranos story is, Indiana beats it again with this story about a brother and sister who killed their mother and grandparents, then took off to Vegas. They were recently caught in Missouri when they were found to have the bloody clothes still in their trunk more than a month later after being caught speeding.

I throw up my hands in the face of such brazen, unabashed stupidity. Indiana, I bow to you... but not all the way. Just enough so I can still keep my eye on you in case you were thinking of bashing my head in when I lowered it.

Give us time, though. I have faith in Riverside County and it's white trash flash. The headlines will be ours again when someone does something reprehensible and showy. Then all the shame and ignominy that is rightfully ours will be ours again.

This post on the Narcissus Scale: 5.7


Ha, my homestate wins again in the Meth Lab competition... you and MPH can suck it!

Kansas wins another meaningless competition (besides the Trans-atlantic pancake race)
Fine, we concede the Stupidity Supremacy Crown to Indiana. MPH, you win--your state's stupider right now. I think meth labs were started by the media so they'd have sensational stuff to report about. I mean, such stupidity couldn't possibly be a natural occurrence, could it?
Pops, please don't ever link a story about a murdered child on your blog, for Christ sakes, parents are reading!
Thinly disguised? I thought people just made fun of you flat out? Hmm...

Those stories are awful. I guess that Indiana does win. But is it really winning?
Brent: There's a trans-Atlantic pancake race? Now that the word of its existence has reached California, asses will be kicked, names taken.

Steph: If the media didn't think of it before, you've just given them the idea. They read this stuff, you know. Make sure you get it copyrighted though so you can sue when the story comes out.

SJ: Well, I did put in a little blurb about what it was about, so you click at your own risk. Plus I needed to vent. Cocksuckers totally ruined my morning.

K: I've used the phrase before, but I'm not sure if that means they came in first or last.
Pops, how can you expect Riverside to win the metamphetimine competition if all you do to help is sit at your computer and complain about Indiana's highly productive meth economy? MPH is doing his part for his state, what are you doing?

And you don't even have to kidnap (I assume that is how MPH got his children, or from a highly questionable adoption agency), you've got some ready made for you.
Shit, if Pops and MPH are serious about boosting their meth production, I need to secure a few more double wide trailers and a few hundred boxes of Sudafed
First of all, what the fuck just happened to my Blogger Leave A Comment window? How dare they change things without notifying me first.

MPH: Yes, it sounds so much more sane when you put it that way.

Brent: You should give up. Your people might be dedicated to the cause, but you'll never match CA for manpower and resources. Our cheap, badly produced meth will flood the market long before your fancy high-grade Kansas made ever has a chance.
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