Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Holy See!
Some days it's pretty easy to be Catholic. Among church-goers, we have a secret code name for these days: Monday thorugh Saturday. Those are the days we're not required to go to Mass, when we can sit on our fat asses indulging in five out of the Seven Deadly Sins (mix and match as you like... you can even double up, say two Lusts and three Gluttonies, just so long as your daily total stays below six) provided we show up for the one hour on Sundays, eat the crackers we're given and not fall asleep during the sermon. Such is the path to the kingdom of heaven.
Other days, however, being Catholic is slightly harder. Take yesterday for example when the Pope laid out his agenda for the year. Of course all the usual noise was made about continuing the church's work against hunger and violence and war and torture (blah blah blah, right?), but then His Holiness has to go and embarrass us all with his call to fight against abortion, stem cell research and--yes--gay marriage.
This Pope--my Pope--has decided to throw his Parkinson's-wracked body at last on top of the big gay marriage pile...
Wait, that didn't come out right. What I meant to say he finds himself coming up from behind in an attempt to insert himself...
This is not working out at all.
My basic point is that if Jerry Falwell has been there already, the ground is tainted. Nobody wants Falwell's sloppy seconds.
Of course with my Catholicized world-view, I tend to think the Pope has a little more moral authority than Jerry Falwell. I mean, JP2 suffers from a disease that could be helped by stem-cell research and still he staunchly opposes it. I guess you could call that principled. It takes alot of fortitude to know first hand what it is to suffer the ravages of a disease, to see some potential for a cure--however dim and distant--and still say to the people who will suffer Parkinson's long after he's dead and buried "Suck it up, you big babies. Take an aspirin or something."
As a Catholic myself, it's always been my position that my positions are my positions. Is that clear? Yes? Fantastic, let's move on.
No, what I mean is on these controversial issues, unless asked directly in a specific situation, I'm going to keep it to myself, thanks very much. This includes not voting for or supporting candidates who manipulate moral positions into political ones for politics' sake. And that, boys and girls, is how pro-choice Catholics are made.
I won't bore you again with what I think about the logic of opposition to men marrying other men again, but suffice it to say: fuckers.
The worst part about this is that we're probably going to be burdened once again with the pasty, snarling face of Catholic League Chief Camera Whore... er sorry, President William Donohue spouting all kinds of sanctimony and nonsense purportedly (though not at all) on my behalf all over the talk-show circuit. He will no doubt be accepting everything the Pope says uncritically if not expounding and expanding, turning programmatic suggestion into hyperbolic blinkered zeal.
I have a question for Bill Donohue and the rest of his ilk: what's the point of believing in human free will if you're going to spend every waking minute of your life trying to suppress it to the guessed-at Will Of God? Isn't that an abomination in itself? It seems like it should be if it isn't. It sounds a lot worse than masturbation at any rate.
If you're flipping through the high-numbered channels on your cable system this week and you do happen to see Mr. Donohue, please remember he and his whole "League" are self-appointed and have no official church standing. Thank you.
And that's how we Catholics transfer our annoyance from the Pope to insignificant middling intermediaries. It's quite a gift. It's what keeps us from all turning Protestant.
This post on the Narcissus Scale: 8.3
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I don't know how being Catholic doesn't drive you crazy, Pops. Wait, maybe it already has. And can't JP2 pass on the PopeMobile to someone else, now? He looks barely alive anymore--wtf? He's opposed to stem cell research because he knows it won't do him any good--he's too far gone. I think he's just being spiteful. I suppose that could explain why he opposes gay marriage as well...0_o
As a non-believing Catholic(what I am), I have no comment on Church procedures.
As a lapsed Catholic(what I am according to the Church), I have to add you forgot about, "Confessing the sins you feel comfortable enough confessing to an unseen person behind a screen, and then moving some beads around a necklace to show how much you deserve forgiveness". Also, how DARE you question the Pope.
You do realize that going to church every Sunday in tacit support of the Pope's policies, you are supporting those policies?
Why does the Pope hate Heaven? He goes around in a bulletproof Popemobile. Me thinks someone and God might not be as copasetic as he would like us to think.
As a lapsed Catholic(what I am according to the Church), I have to add you forgot about, "Confessing the sins you feel comfortable enough confessing to an unseen person behind a screen, and then moving some beads around a necklace to show how much you deserve forgiveness". Also, how DARE you question the Pope.
You do realize that going to church every Sunday in tacit support of the Pope's policies, you are supporting those policies?
Why does the Pope hate Heaven? He goes around in a bulletproof Popemobile. Me thinks someone and God might not be as copasetic as he would like us to think.
Steph: I think it was grad school that broke me. I find cognitive dissonance oddly intoxicating now. I can't stay away.
Ramb-O: Are you saying I am secretly against gay marriage and I just don't know it? Wow, this is quite a blow. I've never despised myself more.
Ramb-O: Are you saying I am secretly against gay marriage and I just don't know it? Wow, this is quite a blow. I've never despised myself more.
Fortunately for you and everybody else, I save my long-ass comments and opinions for my actual blog posts.
MPH: Did you just say "humble"?
Steph: He's kind of that color already, isn't he? He's very animated at least.
Steph: He's kind of that color already, isn't he? He's very animated at least.
As a non-Catholic and non-practicing Lutheran (ahhaha--the bain of the Catholic world), I know I don't feel comforted by the words of the Pope. I feel frightened by his shaking and mumbling. The Catholic faith needs to be careful--those holy rollers might start to think he's speaking in tongues.....ohhhhh a convert....
I noticed your sidebar thing that says "People who've linked to me but never leave comments", and I would like to clear this up.
I did too leave a comment. Like, a whole week ago. :) So there.
I did too leave a comment. Like, a whole week ago. :) So there.
Jess: Hey, Parkinson's isn't the same as retarded. His brain still works, it's just that, you know, he no longer has the ability to make his thoughts outwardly known, that's all.
K: Ah, you noticed. All lobbying to be bumped from the B-roll to the A-roll is encouraged and appreciated. I hereby grant you a provisional upgrade. Continue reading and you may find yourself upgraded. That is all.
MPH: You're not going to make this about thumb-wrestling again, are you?
K: Ah, you noticed. All lobbying to be bumped from the B-roll to the A-roll is encouraged and appreciated. I hereby grant you a provisional upgrade. Continue reading and you may find yourself upgraded. That is all.
MPH: You're not going to make this about thumb-wrestling again, are you?
Geez, Pops, it looks like you really stepped in it with this Pope business. And hey, it can't have escaped your attention that there is only ONE LETTERS' DIFFERENCE between Pops and Pope. Come to think of it, I've never seen you both in the same room...
Well Secret Anonymous Person, I just calls 'em likes I sees 'em.
And incidentally, it has actually occurred to me about the name thing. Beyond that I am obliged not to comment.
And incidentally, it has actually occurred to me about the name thing. Beyond that I am obliged not to comment.
K, you used to be Kati, now you're just K, so I'm always thinking you're someone else and not Kati, but someone named K. Dammit, too many blog names!
You could always turn Protestant, you know. If you shop around, you're bound to find a church that will allow you to use contraception, publicly vilify the Pope, and never go to confession again, all without going to hell. And you won't have to blow Gabriel's horn back at the Rectory to become the lead altar boy.
As you can probably tell, I am an ex-Catholic. One day I said, "No one's going to excommunicate me, dammit, I quit!"
BTW, I never did have to perform special favors for my parish priest. Court documents would later show that he liked girls, not boys. He liked to help aspiring nuns experience the power of Jesus in novel ways.
As you can probably tell, I am an ex-Catholic. One day I said, "No one's going to excommunicate me, dammit, I quit!"
BTW, I never did have to perform special favors for my parish priest. Court documents would later show that he liked girls, not boys. He liked to help aspiring nuns experience the power of Jesus in novel ways.
Bill, my theory is if I find a different religion, it's just going to be a whole different cosmos of bullshit to acclimate myself to. The devil you know and all that...
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